P & S Design Co., Ltd.
Is an Registered Engineering Consulting Firm in Renewable Energy Technology Which is Managed by Engineering Specialist Team and Has Experiences More Than 26 Years. Established in 1995, P & S Aims at The Leader in High Eenewable Energy Technology Services Including Modify Waste To Energy. Our Company Pays Attention To Research and Development Improving Our Services Especially in High Technology For Both Wastewater and Solid Waste Solutions and Turn The Great Benefit Back To Our Customers. From Our Experiences, The Company and The Technical Specialists Have Board Experience Working in The Filed of Biogas as Renewable Energy Technology and Wastewater Treatment With Both Government and Private Companies. Now a Day. Middle and Large Manufacturing Industry in Thailand are Developed Their Wastewater Treatment Technology, And Bring New Type of Biogas Technology High Rate Anaerobic Lagoon or HL, Using in Their Plants. Recently, HL is Applied to Anaerobic Digester.
P & S Design Co., Ltd.
is an registered engineering consulting firm in renewable energy technology which is managed by engineering specialist team and has experiences more than 25 years. Established in 1995, P & S aims at the leader in high renewable energy technology services including modify waste to energy. Our company pays attention to Research and Development improving our services especially in high technology for both wastewater and solid waste solutions and turn the great benefit back to our customers. From our experiences, the company and the technical specialists have board experience working in the filed of Biogas as enewable energy technology and wastewater treatment with both government and private companies. Now a day. middle and large manufacturing industry in Thailand are developed their wastewater treatment technology, and bring new type of Biogas technology; High rate Anaerobic Lagoon or HL, using in their plants. Recently, HL is applied to Anaerobic Digester.

HL Technology is Suitable For Animal/Livestock Operations, Cassava Processing, Palm Oil Processing, Rubber Latex Processing and Etc. Many Farms and Factories Have Confidence in HL Technology More Because it Saves Electric Cost, Solves Fly Problem and Bad Smell in The Community. Besides, This Technology Makes Farms and Factories Together With Their Communities and They Can Gain More Profit. The Reason Why We Stepped in This Business Due To We Care and Realize in Environmental Situation Which is Guaranteed By Our Customer Satisfaction. Because of Our High Quality Equipment and Treat Service After Purchase Make Us Successful in This Business. As Our Company Mission, We Support Our Customer Meet Their Satisfaction With Our Consecutive Development.