Magnetometer-type device that finds hidden objects underground. It is fast, convenient and accurate.
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Product Details
The FerroTec FT 10 allows you to find a concealed shaft cover.
Safe and reliable sliding rods and lids. Including sidewalk markings and other objects. The only requirement is that it be made of steel, cast iron or steel. ergonomic design convenient operation and precise measurement technology Make your work easy and fast.
Measuring Principle: Rugged technology with ergonomic design.
Iron-containing objects cause changes in the Earth’s magnetic field. This can be detected by two magnetically sensitive sensors in the FerroTec FT 10 (flux gate magnetometer). In addition, the screen will show you how close to the object you are looking for. The closer you are to the object. only the stronger the signal At maximum signal strength, the FerroTec FT 10 is above and beyond.
Fast and reliable results
The FerroTec FT 10 recognizes a 50 Hz AC field and guides you to the correct position of the wire. Thereby preventing mixing and false detection. and protect you from electric shock during excavation.
The FerroTec FT 10 senses polarity changes in large objects, such as shaft covers, meaning you can
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